Wreck Removal

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Wreck Removal is a low priority task than the salvage, as mentioned above operations. The aim is to disembarrass the water area of hazardous or unsightly substances using the most practical and cheapest method possible. One of the most common methods is to cut the hull into tiny sections and refloat the parts and dismantle it in deeper waters.

Increasingly, their expertise and determination to see the job executed efficiently has been in demand for significant wreck removals and similar large-scale sub-sea and surface works.

Projects to remove or recover submerged assets often involve a variety of issues, including environmental challenges, navigation safety, unobstructed access to ports, and of course, the high value of material or equipment which has been lost. The Group’s record of reliably delivering the most challenging projects on time and the customer’s satisfaction speaks for itself.

Salvage and Wreck Removal is the first line of defense against marine pollution when significant casualties occur. No company has made a more significant contribution to salvage capability development and, thus, protecting our environment than Mavi Deniz.

Mavi Deniz is accepted as Turkey’s most outstanding private company in wreck removal and salvage by international P&I Clubs.

Wreck removal with the world salvage fleet we can mobilize, including floating sheerlegs and cranes, pull barges, and a vast array of specialized equipment. We remove wrecks from anywhere – safely clearing obstacles from shipping lanes, harbors, reefs, and beaches. Our worldwide partners work with us to contain, clean, and remove hydrocarbons and any other pollutants – helping protect sensitive marine and coastal environments.

The wrecks removal activities of Mavi Deniz is in the inland and offshore waters;

  • Underwater Survey and Damage Repairs
  • Removal of fuel, oil, and dangerous wastes + disposal
  • Discharge of cargo from the wreck
  • Project planning & site operations
  • Scuttling & jacket placement
  • Project Safety & the risks
  • Floatation and towage of the debris
  • Pollution and hazardous substance identification, prevention, and control

Marine emergency response at this level requires the experience of dedicated salvage professionals, supported by specialized vessels and equipment.
Our logistics center is located in Istanbul. Our full range of engineering facilities and logistics support ensures that we can operate efficiently at remote locations.

We can provide on-site assistance for any wreck removal + salvage operation anywhere in the world. Working closely with our customers throughout the project’s life cycle, we support all parts of wreck removal + salvage operation.

The company maintains close contact with local government authorities/departments and has a vast network of suppliers of any additional equipment required for any salvage operation.

As a result, there is a rise in demand for the services of professional marine salvors. Aware of this need, Mavi Deniz has dedicated salvage equipment ready for immediate mobilization.

A wide range of equipment items include:

  • Heavy oil transfer pumps
  • Wreck grabs
  • Generators
  • Hydraulic / diesel driven winches
  • Welding and cutting units for both above and underwater
  • Diving equipment
  • Chain pullers
  • Rigging and patching equipment
  • Yokohama fenders
  • Firefighting
  • Floating cranes,
  • Barges
  • Lightering vessels, equipment
  • Underwater welders
  • Anti-oil pollution equipment ( oil boom, Oil skimmer)
  • Boats + Vessels

Our People

  • Naval Architects
  • Master Mariners
  • Marine engineers
  • Marine Biologists
  • Structural Engineers
  • Maritime Civil Engineers
  • Many other specialists

With our global network of expert partners and a commitment to transparency, efficiency, and social and environmental responsibility,
Mavideniz is the natural choice for every wreck removal, oil recovery, and site clearance project.